Here at Clarendon Chiropractic, we focus on mind, body and spirit with our alternative medicine solutions, particularly chiropractic care. Our goal is to provide effective, non-invasive pain relief for our patients. We are big proponents of alternative medicine, which can include several modalities such as herbalism, homeopathy, acupuncture and more. Here, we mainly offer care through our chiropractors thanks to a qualified, highly trained team. Chiropractor care – a form of alternative medicine – focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system, specifically the spine. Chiropractor care can be combined with physical therapy, pain relievers and other treatments for many conditions, thus speeding up the healing process. It can also complement or replace more traditional therapies such as invasive surgery and addictive medication. Consider Clarendon Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center for alternative medicine Woodridge IL needs.
Alternative medicine is an integrated approach to healing, incorporating such interventions as chiropractic, herbal remedies, massage therapy and acupuncture. Johns Hopkins University says that 40 percent of Americans claim they have turned to alternative medicine therapies for pain control when their prescribed medications were no longer effective.
Here are some advantages of alternative medicine:
Clarendon Chiropractic wants to help guide you on your way toward a better, healthier quality of life. Be Fit, Eat Right, Think Well. Schedule your consultation today with us.
To inquire about alternative medicine in Woodridge IL, please contact us at 630-455-0435 or email us at We are conveniently located at 421 Park Avenue in Clarendon Hills, IL.