Here at Clarendon Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center in Clarendon Hills, we utilize the Insight Scanning Technology (COREscore) as an essential component of our initial Health Assessment on your new patient appointment. A Core Score report is generated from the results of your assessment, which Dr. Surrusco will interpret and review with you on a follow-up visit.
The Core Score technology provides a powerful and simplified way to measure and report how chronic stress affects one’s overall health. This assessment of your nervous system is an essential approach utilized by Dr. Surrusco, for determining the underlying cause of your health concern and formulating the correct plan of action.
The COREscore assessment is for anyone experiencing any of the seven major signs of stress.
These signs include:
Headaches, Fatigue, Difficulty with Sleep, Allergies, Irritability, Neck Pain, Digestive Issues
Though not limited to just these health issues, the COREscore can help get to the root cause of your health concerns.
If you would like to meet with Dr. Surrusco for a complimentary consultation, please request an appointment here. During this thirty-minute appointment, you will have the opportunity to share your concerns and get to know the doctor. He’ll take the time to answer all of your questions. We look forward to speaking with you and learning about your health goals.
If you are ready to schedule your full evaluation with the COREscore assessment, please contact us at (630)455-0435 or reach out to us through our contact form. We’ll be happy to schedule you at our office in Clarendon Hills.
Here is a deeper look at the report you will receive after your new patient appointment. Dr. Surrusco will go over the results with you and explain fully the report.
The INSiGHT™ scanning technology is the only technology of its kind certified by the Space Foundation. Our Space Foundation certified INSiGHT™ Scanning Technology establishes a reliable, scientifically valid, quantitative, multidimensional, representation of your condition – something never before possible. Dr. Surrusco can now analyze a patient’s condition more accurately and communicate findings more effectively while allowing both the doctor and the patient to track the effectiveness of treatment. We are here to help the communities in DuPage County and the surrounding areas of Illinois.
The COREscore technology represents a powerful and simplified way to measure and report dramatic changes while under chiropractic care. Using the three most important measurements of spinal neural function, the COREscore can be generated in under 10 minutes and will give an accurate index to report from. A complete neural efficiency score, collected from Surface EMG, Paraspinal Thermal Scans, and Heart Rate Variability, gives our office an accurate snapshot of how chronic stress is affecting your overall health.
This is your cumulative score, derived from the results of 3 spinal-neural tests:
These COREscore tests tell us how stress is impacting your mental health and overall well-being. It precisely detects where and how deeply the problem is changing your spine and your health. Chronic stress and body tension damage everyone’s health. Based on your individual COREscore scan at the chiropractor, your chiropractor will help develop a highly personalized care plan with a goal of moving toward a score of 100 – near-perfect spinal nerve function.
This image will use your COREscore results to provide you with a visual of your overall health status, rated between Excellent and Very Challenged. In this example, Kate Smith’s COREscore is considered GOOD, but Kate’s health still has much room for improvement.
The Pulse Wave Profiler (PWP) helps the doctor to determine your overall ability to adapt to the environment. It does this by looking at the timing of your pulse and determining the balance and tension within your nervous system. This exam is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Stressful lifestyle habits including poor dietary choices, limited exercise, and constant emotional aggravation can cause the body to be caught in the “fight-flight” response. This can lead to exhaustion and a draining of a person’s reserves. A score within the green box on the graph is associated with better adaptability and relates to a healthy lifestyle. A low Heart Rate Variability score is associated with accelerated aging and poor heart health. Published research has shown that chiropractic adjustments have a beneficial effect on Heart Rate Variability.
The Surface EMG exam evaluates the function of the muscles that support and move your spine. These muscles are controlled by the nerves running within it. This test measures how much energy is needed to maintain your posture and how it is distributed throughout the muscles. If too much energy is used when a spine is out of balance, this test score will be lower than normal. Over time, daily stress can continue to overwork these muscles, causing them to lose their support and mobility, which will also produce a lower score. Muscle fatigue and poor energy distribution are signed of a person’s entire health being under stress. By precisely measuring muscle activity, your progress can be followed as your spine releases tension and you regain more control.
The Thermal Scan is used to assess the part of your nervous system that helps control your organs, glands, and blood vessels. The autonomic nervous system works alongside the spinal nerves to regulate your immunity while managing your internal organ functions. The instrument does this by precisely measuring differences in temperature along the spine for a nervous system scan. Temperature is an accurate indicator as to where stress is building up and how deeply it affects bodily functions. Each organ system relies on clear and balanced nerve signals to work efficiently. Nerve interference that is detected by this sensor is valuable to understand and plan health and wellness strategies.
Patented technology used to assess autonomic nervous system function by measuring skin temperature differentials.
Measures baseline status changes in the electrical activity of the paraspinal muscles.
Allows you to monitor the autonomic nervous system by simultaneously scanning heart rate, temperature and anxiety to calculate HRV.